Kansas DUI Defense Lawyer: The First Offense
Question: If I get arrested for drunk driving and it’s a first offense, isn’t the worst that can happen just a slap on the wrist?
Answer: While that may have been true years ago, the fact is laws in Kansas are harsh. Even a first offense DUI can have long-lasting consequences — hefty fines, lengthy license suspension, increased insurance rates and even jail time.

The cost of a conviction or guilty plea on a first offense DUI can equal or even exceed the cost of hiring an experienced defense attorney to fight for your rights, your record and your ability to drive. Contact me today for a free consultation.
Experienced First Offense DUI Attorney • (913) 897-0897
I will use my more than 15 years of criminal trial experience to fight the negative consequences of a first offense DUI arrest. I have a proven record of success in challenging unreliable breath test evidence. I can also offer you real options if you refused to take a breath test.
I will work hard to fight automatic license suspension and to have your impounded vehicle released in order to minimize the disruption to your life and your family’s routine.
Fighting For a Second Chance • Free Consultation • Se Habla Español
In most first offense DUI cases, alternatives to jail may be available, including alcohol abuse education, out-patient treatment, home restriction or work-release. Many times, judges are amenable to these alternative programs because they know that first-time DUI offenders often deserve a second chance.
Don’t let a first offense DUI charge stand without a fight. Contact a strong and determined defense lawyer today. After-hours and out-of-office appointments are available, and credit cards and PayPal are accepted for your convenience.
Minor clients charged with underage drinking and driving may face a different set of penalties and challenges. I am fully experienced in juvenile criminal defense and can help guide the whole family through the process of fighting for a second chance after a stupid mistake or lapse in judgment.